Jumat, 10 September 2010

The library

-The Library - I Tiara, After school I used to go to the school library, besides I like the school library administrators membacaaku is usually at rest I'm just there, yes even though only a week after school I ini.tapi merapihkan only the library, checking kembalibuku nowadays it borrowed and some books that are returned on that day. Actually it's a bit scared too because in broad daylight in perpustakaantapi I own only because the demands of the responsibilities of school I had to bring myself. dariawal actually started to watch I do not fear even at all. but since the incident ... 3 days ago (The Genesis) It was raining heavily at 3:12 pm kira2. I was clearing the books dipinjamanak first class, I did not know I was feeling bad at that time bgt gk .. and I accidentally listened to musikdi libraries let that feeling a little lost, but I feel there's something menatapkutapi stumblebum I do not know where asalnya.pada 03:34 hours I intend to go home, as usual I like to go home hours a day is different lewat.tapi tigal the rain stopped me to come home, I'm finally back in the library to read books while waiting for the rain reda.tapi when I passed class XI IPA 1, who happened not far from the library terlihat1 first-class women such as child menggenakan uniforms were entered into the library. "Who key to the library when she is with me? "I asked in hatiku.tapi direct rain subsided coincidence because I just came home and put the key into a key entrusted satpamdan before I could ask" Mang, Toto (Once the call), Did I see first-graders so, go to perpusSiapa huh? Though there are still key to me "toto TanyakuMang Got back and say" ah it was just a shadow eneng most aja "" What jangan2 han "My Pekataan straight cut because I see her again in front of the library. Until bath home kerumahAku direct and immediate task is not finished yet been disekolah.tapi while working on that reminds me about that, but I have not dared to menceritakannyakarna gk I also understand what it was just my mind or just a delusion to calm my mind I berlebihan.dan Just direct ablutions and prepared untukshalat. 06:20 hours I leave for school, I happened on public transportation betemu Siska (Friends bench) Dansiska asked me "uh Tiara, yesterday during a break you do not diperpustakaan yah?" And I immediately answered that question "Yes, indeed Rest Kmarin tugaskarna I'm not at that time I called the principal to report the results of k students visit libraries "And DNG Siska loudly said" Yes, I want to borrow Kmarin novel that I have not fortunately there bacaTapi first-graders who watch, the new guard who are you? " With a shock I then diamdan tersenyum.Setelah only incident I finally did not want to say anything to the siswatidak beniat stopped visiting the library because there is the issue of ghosts! But she was increasingly mengganguku, the more afraid I stand guard at the library, then untukmengkomfirmasi that, I intend to visit Kak.Diaz. Accident other than as kudia seniors also had to maintain the library. Just direct me to the class "no ka Diaz Excuse me?" Then a bespectacled man replied "That's dik, there are learning" "ka Perimisi, not bother?" And diaz replied "Oh yes Tiara? What's wrong?" "Iya nih kak, hmmm confusing to start from where, so keep perpustakaankakak gini wakt'u sister ever seen a ghost woman is not" with surprise he replied "You also see it?" "Ah brother also "and" noisy jgn Syuuutt spertinya he is watching us so pelan2 yes "" Good kak "and diaz explains" So I try to keep libraries gini time I ever see, but the events that I experienced when kakakgk can go home when the rains come down, but older gk own loh ditemeni mira brother sister friend, we both saw a woman in uniform a case of us, it was merapihkan books, we think that the new guard but, I wonder if there's a new guard emang confirmation from guru.dan with sudden fright missing woman "And I replied" I also refer him to the library, when the key is with me "And eventually I intend to merapihkan all job during recess because I takutnanti she came for the third time. Phew finally finish my job and I'm back kekelas, hours of lessons already selesaidan Last post on this day I can go home earlier than usual, but suddenly the teacher called me and "You're back? No merapihkan library?" She said 'I've completed all at the break so I came home early "And I itumeberikan teachers' duty to take the books in the library yangketinggalan bab.8 Sociology, at that time I was very gk nyangkamusibah it will come to me, but I declined immediately be smooth" Sorry buaku have an appointment with my mother, I must him to the doctor "but" It's just five minutes there dimejamu lagianbuku kok kok "And I could not refuse" Good "But as to the library I remember that my mother did not visit the library teacher at the time turned istirahatdan not nobody! I ran out and immediately put the key into the security guard. When I got home I got a call ka.diaz diaz I haru ka said to her house and demimenyelesaikan this problem I go with escorted by Mas.Tonny Driver ibuku.Sesampainya diaz home I immediately greeted with hot tea and small snacks, I tasted tapitak directly told that he Tamie Walikelas kusaat intending to visit me first class and second class diaz ka. ka diaz also never mention this incident to tamiedan said tamie have a sixth sense, and I was home more clearly so that all the kak diaz.karna kak.tamie while it is day we get moving before the afternoon clouds come to replace the blue to black in the house we were a bit kak.tamie a little scared by a dog a good pet but that's just why sangar.tapi appearance when we arrived he went straight into his cage. welcomed us with stories kak.tamiesetelah, kak tamie said she also experienced time and again when it rains and the same as he sendiridan same story, the three of us thought that the boy's first grade class, but .. kak tells Tami he could report to the Principal but the only response to cold and should not be leaked to the pupils laindan kak.tamie actually get there news from the security guards there had been a missing schoolgirl in perpustapi where she lost it? .. The incident was very long and kak.tamie told that in view of the senses keenamnyawanita was not lost but move into the world is not real and is different from that kita.setelah we intend to wonder over to the guard because it's late and we intend to go home. On the third day, kak.tamie going to school with a reason to miss school and intend to visit the library, danalasan was well received by the Principal. and when came home from school and accidentally kak.diaz kak.tamie accompany me and waited for all teachers pulangbaru we headed guards to ask questions but just as another satpam2 and the guard refused to order kebaikanakhirnya security guard summoned the three of us came back and explained and so "It used to have many library that replaced the guard, which the students actually knew now why the guards changed every tahundan libraries derived from two classes, one class because the school did not know the scope and grade 3 was busy with exams, whereas formerly keeper banyaktapi library since the incident, a guard did not know the missing library where and reportedly lost because of suicide and not tahumayatnya, and upon investigation the school from calling a psychic woman removed by another watchman tidaksuka existence that every child in the library. but everyone else's keeper? since then I eventually always strengthen ourselves to keep the library It lasted one week until now, because the intention of keeping the library kubaik I also believe that I will not be removed from my world. I'm sure there are other reasons why penungguitu take the boy, but I'm sure that I see not the child was taken, but the woman who took the child. and so far it is still stored inirahasia and will not diceritakkan to other students.

source: http://cerpen.net/cerpen-horor/the-library.html

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