Jumat, 10 September 2010

Heaven God For A Mother

Based On True Story ... ... Written By Rangga Poeradisastra More exactly two weeks ago an event that will never be forgotten in the rest of hidupkupun happen ... .. Needle five o'clock in the morning hours to move, slowly vibrating sound ... the sun was reluctant to emerge from their dark and cold night at that time .... But the faint sounds audible friction door either real or below the conscious wish to open my eyes very hard, sleepy and lazy menyeliputi entire body, the second half opened my eyes, I saw my mother walking and opening the door to get out little by little matakupun back moor, interval of several minutes of loud sound of falling bodies as if there was someone who hit me hard I will wake up with trying to observe the source of the voice. My front door is not closed tightly kakikupun stepped toward him .. I was holding the handle to try to shut the door but somehow my heart was a little heavy. I opened the curtains and glass windows and I noticed the still very dark surroundings. It was very shocked by what I see as if not believing ...? I ran over two women figure in the front corner of the house. Badankupun all watches helplessly my mother fell and lay on the ground, next to an angel-hearted mother holding her head, unable to think whether what would happen if he did not exist at that moment might have ruined my mother's head hit the corner staircase thank God he's still Thanksgiving able to walk even though I saw in his face so pale * At A Glance Take Mother Angel That * He was well respected within the area, all members of his family very well and even become a role model for all. In addition he also has an angel-hearted spirit which is very extraordinary, her husband make a living by selling chicken noodle while the mother was a mighty woman with a cart selling fried great every day he must push toward the market near the house of another ... when people fall asleep he must prepare his wares for tomorrow ... the sound I hear activity rose each day because our house was next door ... Many kesaaman I saw him like my mom, it's just a string of words alone is not sufficient to describe all the things about her ticking clock 16:30 o'clock that mean I must hurry home after tired from a day of work. Amid the sound of the way home the phone rang I got the bad news that my mother had back pain all my body feels weak, panicky and could not think of anything other than continue to pray that the gods do not take his life before I got home .... When I got home I saw my mom in bed tebaring tired eyes I saw my father, I see too clearly in the eyes of my brother's sadness emanated. Disekitannya I saw an angel-hearted mother was with her husband was massaging the feet and provide water that has been read by pronouncing the sacred texts to be drunk to my mother .... Allahu Akbar ... God is great to come back the next day ibukupun better. Two days already since the incident kuliat never again be an angel's mother with all its activities, amid a sudden silence of the night crying loud voice from the direction of the house, I awoke to see the clock clearly shows half a lazy morning at 4:00 and was still sleepy, still attention to the crying voice, the longer it sounds hard to make any member of my waking keluaga all ran out rumah.Sumber sound was coming from the angel-hearted mother's house, all his family members crying, the mother was lying under the angel of death seemed to be surrounding this body shiver my mom and I had just kept silent could not believe what we see. For the first time in my life I saw Syakaratul Death before god took his life even though I saw a faint lip mother was trying to say two sentences creed "Asyhadu alla ilaha ilallah asyhadu wa wa anna Muhammadan abduhu rosuluh" His eyes were closed, her lips were pressed against the entire room for a moment ... rose broken by the sound of crying, my lips menggeretak tight, tears streaming down her face, and my eyes could not blink if I saw it was my own mother .... Ibukupun so weak he was crying hysterically as if not believing what terjadi.tuhan take his life so quickly, although people crowded sendiripun never had the slightest inkling it was because he man who never complained Nobody knows for sure what will happen later today or tomorrow maybe we can not see the beauty of the sun was shining when the morning or may have been lying rigid body covered with sheets of white cloth ... ..! every seconds ... minutes ... hours ... days .. bulln serta years walked faster waktu akan ada pada bukan melambat.Yang sense of remorse when it is why today when we can not use the best possible because it will kematian datang hanya satu doa times Inside the prostrate and pray that tuhan Aku selalu selalu ... Memberikan paradise for the mother ... to my mother and all mothers in this world. Death Only God Almighty knows ... ..

source: http://cerpen.net/cerpen-motivasi/surga-tuhan-untuk-seorang-ibu_1.html

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